22 May 2024

Kerala has been a haven for holistic wellness practices and serene retreats, but this year the wellness industry is at the mercy of the unpredictable weather situation. With the monsoon approaching, they are grappling with unforeseen weather patterns.

In 2023, the unpredictability of the monsoon affected Ayurveda therapies and thereby the number of tourists reduced. Even this year, the situation is troublesome. In addition, the Kerala Tourism has missed out on certain important promotional opportunities, such as the Arabian Travel Mart 2024, which is a crucial event for the global travel industry in West Asia. These events give Kerala a platform to display their offerings and forge partnerships. Even though they have allocated funds for the event, with the monsoon arriving in June, these campaigns will not be able to gather maximum footage.

The international market of Russia has also seen a fall in footfall due to the geopolitical tensions and the pandemic. Even European clients have reduced after the pandemic. The Indian expats in Arabian countries constitute huge proportion and with the fall in European clients, major emphasis lies on them.

However, Kerala wellness industry is still optimistic but needs to have better strategic marketing initiatives, especially since there is tough competition from Maldives and Sri Lanka.