

Hair industry from Cardiff and Vale of Glamorganunite to fight violence against women
Beauty with a Heart

Beauty with a Heart

The Covid-19 pandemic saw leaders of the beauty and wellness industry open their hearts and purses to help colleagues in

Salon owners in Jamshedpur demand reopening
COVID-19 UPDATESIndustry News

Salon owners in Jamshedpur demand reopening

The barbers and salon owners strongly condemn the Jamshedpur government’s decision of not allowing salons to reopen. This powerful opposition

Mumbai salons reopen with Govt. consent
COVID-19 UPDATESIndustry News

Mumbai salons reopen with Govt. consent

Salons in Mumbai opened up on June 28 after a lockdown of three months, with the consent of the Maharashtra

Himachal Pradesh presents SOPs for barbers
COVID-19 UPDATESIndustry News

Himachal Pradesh presents SOPs for barbers

Himachal Pradesh recently presented their model Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for salon owners followed by a prohibition of direct communication

Urban Company urges govt to allow ‘ home services’
COVID-19 UPDATESIndustry News

Urban Company urges govt to allow ‘ home services’

Urban Company Co-founder and CEO Abhiraj Singh Bhal in a letter to the Home Secretary urged the government to allow