Reliance Industries (RIL), headlined by Mukesh Ambani is set to challenge cosmetics and fashion companies including Nykaa, Myntra with its new beauty platform. Fynd and Netmed, which were recently acquired by RIL are collaborating to create a brand-new platform for the same. The move came after witnessing a sharp growth of comparatively new e-commerce beauty ventures like The Good Glamm Group and Purplle. ‘Project Adore,’ as it is temporarily termed, is a result of Reliance making agreements with approximately six top beauty and cosmetic brands. The omnichannel is said to be labelled as ‘Tiara’ once it is live. It will be monitored by Mukesh Ambani’s daughter Isha Ambani, Director of Reliance Retail. The platform is likely to be linked with Reliance’s fashion website Ajio, which is supervised by Isha.
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