OPI, a leading nail colour & care brand, has collaborated with Barbie to launch Barbiecore nails. This new range is inspired by Greta Gerwig’s new movie Barbie and has nine limited edition nail lacquer shades with glitter, shimmers and crème. According to Divyapreet Singh, Marketing Head – South Asia, Wella Company, the brand is excited to partner with Warner Bros and Mattel as both the parties share similar values of inclusivity and empowerment. The new range will have Barbie inspired colours in hues of pinks in crème and metallic finish. It will also have bold magenta shades along with three bright shades in yellow, shimmery baby blue, and sky blue, and two glitter shades in silver and pink particles. Each 15 ml bottle will cost Rs. 850 and will be available at Sephora and Nykaa stores as well as OPI salons.
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5 days ago