Cult Beauty, a leading British beauty products e-commerce portal, has received a lot of praise after its ‘Can’t (Re)Touch This’ campaign. In this campaign, the brand speaks against airbrushed images of models, which was appreciated by people. They further added that the brand supports people of all shapes, sizes, and colours without altering their images. They have decided to have a system of images termed ‘un(re)touched’ showcasing people in their real form.

This campaign gained momentum after a report by Mental Health Foundation, which reported that people coming up with eating disorders in pediatric wards in the UK has doubled in just three years. The campaign also aims to deal with eating disorders among the young who constantly compare themselves with altered body shapes and skin tones on social media. As part of the campaign, Cult Beauty’s Managing Director, Francesca Elliott  wrote to the Parliamentary House asking for stringent laws around enhanced body images.

Cult Beauty has made it compulsory to declare if an image has been digitally altered to flaunt body proportions. The company has also undertaken a ‘Body Image Pledge,’ and has received great praise for it.