For a limited period, guests at Chi The Spa at Shangri-La Bengaluru can look forward to exotic Filipino spa treatments. Experienced spa therapist Noemi Novela, previously working at Shangri-La Mactan, will be providing guests treatments from the South-East Asian country.

Lasting from 15 April to 15 May 2024, guests can opt for a complete package of Filipino treatments entitled “Journey to Cebu”. This process begins with the Barako Coffee Bean Scrub. The indigenous Barako Coffee Bean, together with coconut, acts as a deeply cleansing and exfoliating experience. Coffee has long been used as an ingredient in beauty and wellness treatments around the world, and this particular scrub can provide a wonderfully unique energising effect to guests.

The next step of the process is the Hilot, a massage technique that has been a part of Phillipine culture and traditions for years. Hilot is not only a relaxation process, but instead an art of complete holistic healing using touch and massage. The indigenous process identifies energy disturbances in the body and uses massage and touch to target and catalyse biochemical processes to heal. Hilot has gained popularity over the years as a form of alternative treatment and wellness, and finally, the Indian audience has the opportunity to experience this traditional process at Shangri-La Bengaluru.

Another optional treatment at Chi The Spa is Ventosa. Also known as cupping therapy, the method has gained media attention as celebrities and actors show up to red carpet events with the tell-tale inflamed circles on their backs. While cupping has been practiced by several Asian cultures, Filipino Ventosa is unique in its use of bamboo cups instead of glass or silicone. Ventosa can alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and boost overall holistic wellness.

With over 14 years of experience in Filipino treatments, Noemi Novela and Chi The Spa at Shangri-La Bengaluru provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in Filipino’s rich cultural practices.