Popular greeting cards and gifts brand Archies will now retail around 45 beauty brands as a part of their new expansion into the beauty business. The Rs.200 crore company will retail these products both off-line and well as online through its dedicated e-com portal archiesbeauty.com. The range includes cosmetics, haircare, skincare, fragrances and scents, bath & body care and even baby care products from well-known brands like Beardo, Mamaearth etc. According to Archies Beauty COO Hanisha Kapoor, these would be retailed in their 200 Archies stores but dedicated retail outlets will be added by next year. Archies Beauty will retail around 100 plus brands by the year end and will promote it well on social media. ‘Going ahead we expect this segment to generate Rs.1cr to Rs.1.5cr every month’ she said.
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