22 May 2024

A survey done by OnePoll for Marriott Vacations Worldwide, found that eight out of 10 remote workers would be happy to work (remotely)on their holiday, if they could extend it. It was mostly true for respondents between the age of 26 to 41, who accounted for 70% of the polling population. About 48% of the respondents said that they were likely to work on a holiday. When asked to choose about having an extended vacation with some amount of remote work, versus a shorter trip, 46% of people opted for the former.

The survey also found out that, on an average, a remote worker takes four overnight trips annually, with 83% of them having taken one such trip in 2022. The survey also said that the average remote worker uses only nine holidays during the same time, with 22% taking less than five days and 90% taking less than three weeks. These statistics are similar to the findings from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, that showed that 65% of workers only get between five and 14 days of paid leave after one year of service in the organization.

The OnePoll survey also showed 40% of workers claim that their employer gives unlimited vacation while 39% do not get compensated for the time off that they do not use. Thus, it is quite natural for 79% of people to be interested in workations now than they would have been to a year ago.

According to Lori Gustafson, EVP, chief brand and digital officer at Marriott Vacations Worldwide, the rise in remote work, people have changed the way they look at leisure travel. Now they are not confined to working in an office and thus, have the opportunity to travel and take a workation. 96% of respondents said that they often work from places other than their homes, with 65% who do it more frequently.