Dry, frizzy, and unmanageable hair can stress out anyone. StyleSpeak brings you expert’s inputs on common causes of hair damage and how to correct it.

With the sun beating down on hair day after day this summer, and with new, chic, hair colours being all the rage, is it any surprise that hair damage is one of the biggest issues faced in the summer? Dry, frizzy, and dehydrated hair has always been the bane of every customer, whether male or female. Read on to find our expert recommendations on identifying hair damage, its causes, and how to correct it.

Look and Feel

Identifying hair damage is not too difficult. “The hair becomes dry and frizzy,” says Marisa Goel, Managing Partner of Serena’s Salon and CEO of The Skin Inn. Split, dry, ends, as well as a loss of shine, can all indicate damaged hair. This mainly occurs due to cracks in the hair shaft, which expose the hair to breakage.

While all hair types are susceptible to damage, there are some factors which may exacerbate the possibility of hair being damaged. “It depends on your lifestyle and hair colouring frequency,” adds Marisa.

The Why Factor

What exactly causes hair damage? There is an immeasurable number of factors, but environmental and chemical reasons are perhaps the most common. Under environmental factors, Marisa lists pollution as one of the biggest reasons for hair damage. Pollutants such as smoke, dust, toxic chemicals, and emissions from industries can settle on the scalp or degrade the hair protein. Additionally, even UV rays from the sun can lead to a weakening of your hair’s fundamental structure, meaning that your daily dose of Vitamin D may be harming your hair.

There are also plenty of chemical reasons for hair damage. Over-colouring, especially using pre-lighteners in the hair excessively, could lead to the breakdown of hair cuticles. Layering other hair treatments on top of each other, such as perms and keratin treatments, may also lead to hair damage, giving it the frizzy, dry look.

Lastly, the choice of hair products could lead to hair damage. Marisa states that using the wrong shampoo or not using a good conditioner could

both dry out and damage hair. Sulfates, parabens, formaldehye, and synthetic fragrances are just some of the chemicals which could cause major hair damage. Meanwhile, while most shampoos dry the hair, conditioners are meant to complement them by smoothing down the hair cuticle. Skipping on this step can lead to drying and damaging hair in the long run.

Causes of hair damage
  • Environmental factors
  • Poor quality hair products
  • Excessive chemical treatments
Reversing Damage

Treating hair damage could worry any seasoned hair stylist, and the worry is warranted, since hair damage is seldom reversible. Yet, there is still some hope. A combination of frequent haircuts, salon treatments, and quality products can soothe some hair damage and encourage healthy hair growth.

Marisa Goel recommends hair spas in salons to rejuvenate and restore healthy hair from root to tip. Salon treatments such as massages and masks can also do wonders in calming frizzy and damaged hair. Protein hair treatments are also highly recommended to repair damage and strengthen your lengths.

Meanwhile, there are also several solutions for clients to manage their damaged hair at home. Marisa recommends the Naturica Shampoo and Mask or the Moroccanoil Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner to slowly repair and restore natural moisture and shine to frizzy and damaged hair.

Lastly, for stubborn, unruly hair damage, there is no better treatment than regular trims to remove split ends. Trimming hair is often compared to exfoliating skin – removing dead cells can boost the growth of stronger, healthier cells at the root and protect hair from damage. While clients may be tempted to forego trims to protect their lengths, these small sacrifices can sow the seeds for longer, stronger hair in the future.

At the end of the day, hair health is a reflection of overall physical health. A healthy diet enriched with vitamins and minerals does wonders to prevent hair damage and strengthen hair follicles. Pairing a holistic diet with hair care best practices makes all the difference in taking hair from damaged to managed.