Streax Professional launched its latest collection, ‘Mercurial’ at a fashion event in Mumbai. Actress Mouni Roy was the showstopper for the collection. Mercurial is about moving from a very colorful, intense hair color with modern influences into a very subtle monochromatic classy natural hair with layer upon layer of organic material. The influences of folklore/ethnicity and culture from the regions stirs up a much more textured softer pastel tone of color and curly feeling of hair as well as more carefree atmosphere of the hair including ribbons in the updo’s and stylings. The collection comprises three components- SUPERCHARGED, that gives rise to a feeling of bold escapism into the extremes, NATURAL ME, where tonal-layered looks are given depth through chunky knits while conventional brightness and lightness meet monochromatic colour, defining its classy, contemporary style and OTHERWHERE, which is about folklore, coupled with characteristics of freedom and self-determination.
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