O’2 Nails India, a fashion and consumer retail brand in nail care, has raised an unknown amount in the pre-seed round of funding. Angel investors including, Amit Singal, CEO, StartupBuddy and Fluid Ventures, Nitin Gupta, Founder & CEO of Etherea Coworking, Manish Aggarwal, Partner, Fluid Ventures are some of the angel investors.

O’2 Nails India is a nail care company and fashion company that has Quick Service format boutiques in eight cities in the country. It has grown 200% since its inception in 2018. According to Aparna Singh, CEO, O’2 Nails India, the seed investment will improve the standards of the brand. The funds will mainly be used for technological advancement and for retail expansion by taking the number of stores to 15 by March 2022.