Hair Garden salon in Zirakpur had its grand opening. The opening was attended by the chief guest Armaan Malik, Hair Garden Private Limited’s directors Payal and Reet and the co-founder Ranjish. With a plan of opening 10 branches across north- India the salon also has Hair Garden’s International Beauty Academy. The academy is accredited with HaBiiA USA & UK, which have collaboration with Hair, Beauty, Makeup and Nail trainers from London, New York, Dubai, Canada and Australia. After completion of these courses, the students are guaranteed to get employment in India as well as abroad. At the salon, they have professional hairdressers and a well-trained staff who deliver the best services. Armaan Malik said that the unisex salon offers a full spectrum of salon services. The salon boosts the use of plant-based products and provides customizable services to their clients.
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6 days ago