22 Apr 2022 : Dermalogica, a professional skin care brand, has always been conscious about the environment and has offered cruelty-free, vegan products. It is now further committed to Healthy Skin, Healthy Planet initiative and is the first one to make  recyclable, mono-material pumps.

In the beginning of 2022, it started making recyclable pumps for its bestselling facial cleansers. The pumps are made out of mono-material pump with a plastic ring made out of recyclable polyethylene just like the rest of the bottle. The new pump is much lighter and uses minimal virgin plastic, which shows less use of a non-renewable resource.

Under the Healthy Skin, Healthy Planet initiative, the brand is also coming up with new bottles that are made out of 50% post-consumer recycled (PCR) resin plastic. It started making such bottles in 2021 and aims to have PCR integration in all its skin toners and cleansers by 2025. Under this initiative, Dermalogica has also started making its Daily Microfoliant in a recyclable, refill packaging.

Through all these innovations Dermalogica is coming closer to its goal of having all of its bottles made in such a way that they can be recycled, reused or composted by 2025.