In these tough times of the COVID-19, maintaining good health is of prime importance. Physical health not only means being fit but also having good skin health. A consistent skincare routine, along with a healthy diet, can ensure that the skin looks great and feels even better. Here are some basic seeds that are loaded with nutrients for glowing skin and luscious hair.

Avocado seeds

Blended in a smoothie or spread as guacamole on a toast, Avocado is the most favorite food on social media. Not only the fruit but also the brown seed that lies at the core is a powerhouse of soluble fiber and antioxidants. Grind it into a fine powder and blend it into your favorite smoothie, add to oats, or anything yummy.

Sesame seeds

Used in a lot of Indian dishes, these little white seeds are loaded with zinc – a much-needed vitamin in today’s trying times. They help in fighting premature aging and also omega-3 fatty acids that boost hair growth. A good massage with sesame oil is a great way to add some luster to those damaged locks.

Flax seeds

These minuscule seeds are a haven for the skin, hair, and health in general. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these seeds add a radiant glow to the

skin. The antioxidants and phytochemicals prevent skin aging and also reduce excess sebum production – the main reason for those ugly pimples.

So make these seeds a part of your daily routine and watch your skin and hair heal naturally.

Pomegranate seeds

Pumped up with vitamin C and K, pomegranate is perfect for enhancing collagen production and prevent skin aging. Loaded with natural sugar, the fruit can be had as it is or added to smoothies. Full of water, it is excellent for dry skin woes.

Chia seeds

These tiny seeds are the one-stop-solution for all skin issues and luscious locks. Packed with protein, calcium, fiber, and potassium, these seeds are great to reduce skin inflammation, acne blemishes, dryness, and also improve blood circulation.